The Gamer's Codex

The Gamer's Codex

Content Guidelines & Legalities

Standards & Rights

Following these guidelines is no guarantee that the work will be posted, but failure to follow them will guarantee rejection. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines we will answer them as quickly as possible.

  • Writers should have some experience in gaming be it RPGs, CCGs, or whatever, or have knowledge of the industry and/or systems.
  • The Gamer’s Codex is looking for well-written, interesting articles and/or reviews with a connection to a specific game or system, have a tie to the gaming industry, or are just generally fun to read.  The Gamer’s Codex wants it to be current and apply to today’s gamer, regardless of the gaming niche (RPGs, board games, etc)
  • Avoid articles that infringe upon the work of others.  The Gamer’s Codex will not post any material that we deem racist, sexist, discriminatory, excessively violent or promoting thereof, harassing, inconsiderate, adult, or otherwise not suitable for the public or our audience.   The Gamer’s Codex reserve the right not to post the material.
  • All submissions monetarily compensated for, as agreed upon between The Gamer’s Codex and the writer, become the property of and Justus Productions, unless otherwise negotiated. By agreeing to the compensation and submitting content, the writer hereby assign all right, title and interest in and to the content to and Justus Productions. If your article or review is used online or in other media, you will receive credit whenever the content is used in whole or in part.
  • Property rights of submissions compensated through product are negotiable.  With written permission and proper credit given to the and/or JustUs Productions (ex: “Original posted at”), the content may be posted on other sites or used in other media.
  • The writer retains the property rights for all submissions voluntarily submitted, unless otherwise negotiated between the writer and The Gamer’s Codex/JustUs Productions.
  • All items should be sent in an email or attached file to  The Gamer’s Codex reserve the right to make changes to the article to correct grammar or spelling mistakes.


We encourage authors to propose their own ideas. Unless it is already finished, before submitting the article you should send an email with information on the idea you wish to write about. We will send approval via email.  After your proposal has been accepted, you should submit a complete written work. At that point, we will post the material online.  We do receive requests from manufacturers to do reviews and the like on their products. will select individuals to perform a review and send the author said material.


Authors may receive games or other materials for article composition.  These will be sent at the discretion of The Gamer’s Codex/Justus Productions management.  In return the author will typically be able to keep the material as compensation.

We may also offer discounts on game products as we have access to industry offerings at a cut rate.  Those who desire to take advantage of this should contact  (Anything you find at your local store we have access to obtain for you at a lower rate.)  Discounts will be given based on work submitted.

There are occasions where we will pay for articles.  We will do this on a commission basis based on the ability, tenure, and reliability of the author.  Commissions will be set on a case-by-case basis.  Rewards for work are not guaranteed.

Reviewer/Writer Resume

Please email the below information to

  • Preferred name to be viewed online (Pen Names are Ok):
  • Email address for contact:
  • Full name:
  • Address for shipping of material:
  • Phone number:
  • Preferred games, genres, or topics interested in writing about:  {For example d20-system games, fantasy, sci-fi, anime, and so on. Reviews, commentaries and articles on above genres or games related to the genres.}
  • Why do you feel you would be a good reviewer?: {Give us a general idea of your experience in the industry, in the hobby and writing in general}
  • Do you attend gaming cons reguarly? If so, which ones? {Primarily list the cons you regularly. Include gaming cons and other genre cons that include gaming. }
  • Would be willing to demonstrate the games you review at the above cons? {This will make you a part of The Gamers Codex demo team}
  • Any other information you feel is important to know: {If you get ideas for specific articles you’d like written, let me know. I can write whatever you need in addition to any reviews you request.}

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